Wednesday 4 May 2011

Slow down & pretend..... like nature.

(Photo taken on our recent Easter break, at Lorne.)

I love a slow day hanging around our neighbourhood with little to do. It generally starts with a stop in at our local Cafe, where we happen across so many familiar and friendly faces. Frenetic exchanges and general enthusiasm & interest in one another's day ahead always ensues.... until I glide, coffee induced, back into the rhythm of the day.

Today we took a stroll to the St Kilda Library and I magically found 2 books (while down on the ground consoling Z after he hit his anklebone on a book stand...ouch) I've been meaning to track down for some time now. A copy of Amanda Soule's 'the creative family' and 'Small Fry Outdoors' written by Caroline Webster. They were sitting there on the bottom shelf of the 'Parenting' section, a shelf I rarely peruse.

Too early for Story Time we took the back exit out of the library onto Duke Street and discovered a new playground between Duke & Pakington Streets. Ahh, the joy of a new playground to discover and best of all...master.

Home for Z's nap & some quiet time for me. I'm going to try my hand at making my own Sourdough Bread.

'Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
St. Francis of Assisi

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