Wednesday 22 February 2012

Wednesday wrap up.

1. 15th Feb: perfect beach days with neighbours., 2. 16th Feb: The feast, at Vic's., 3. 17th Feb: so very pleased to be about to climb in here this evening., 4. 18th Feb: giant comfry leaves in my herb garden, 5. Love these tiles in my sister-in-laws bathroom., 6. 20th Feb: afternoon light in my living room., 7. 21st Feb: a new face to welcome into our family... & she's oh so sweet.

We have a new addition to our family, Barley, a 4 year old Lab x Heeler...a Heelerdor?....who came to us through Second Chance Animal Rescue (an amazing organisation passionate about rehoming animals. It's run by and incredibly dedicated young lady, Marisa....I highly recommend them if you're looking for a loveable pooch.). She arrived yesterday and is just so delightful. Placid, friendly and very well mannered. We hope she loves her new home as much as we love having her a part of it.
Z is especially pleased and I catch him having quiet conversations with her about her new neighbourhood, or trips we may take together and it's very sweet.

Tomorrow I have interview #2 to post for you. An interview with an amazing photographer, blogger and e-course creator...... any guesses?



Dharma Mama said...

Welcome Barley! We can't wait to meet you. xx

Adventures with Dementia said...

Yippee! Not long now. see you v. soon x


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